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Tuesday 30 August 2011

Eggesford Beans

Eggesford Beans

A great side dish to any curry

Serves 4


1lb runner beans (de-strung and chopped in 1’ slice)

6 tomatoes (skinned, seeded and diced)

1 small –medium onion finely chopped

2 cloves garlic crushed

1’ root ginger finely chopped

1 tsp cumin seeds

1 tsp coriander seeds

1 clove

seeds from 6 cardamom pods

Salt & pepper to taste


I buy my spices whole and grind my own. The measurements above are for whole spices not ground.


  1. Fry the whole spices until they release their aroma, then grind to a powder
  2. Blanch the beans in boiling water for one minute. Drain and immerse in cold water to stop the cooking process. Drain and set aside.
  3. Fry the onion in 2-3 tbs olive oil or ghee until a light brown colour. Add the garlic and ginger and fry for another couple of minutes. Then add the spices and fry for a further minute
  4. Add the beans and tomatoes and cook until heated throughout and the beans are cooked to your requirements. I like mine to retain some crunch.
  5. You can garnish with some coriander leaves if you have them, no need to worry if you haven’t.

This is a great way to use the summers’ endless supply of runner beans and a good way with runner beans that have been frozen. Or you could make up a large batch of the recipe and freeze.